Can My Husky Eat Plums? A Risky Snack

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side-by-side pictures of a husky and a bowl of plums


  • Technically, huskies can eat plums, but it’s not advisable due to high sugar content and potential risks (choking hazard, tooth trauma, cyanide content, and allergies).
  • Huskies should also not eat plum jam and prunes due to their high sugar content and potential negative effects on health.
  • Safe alternatives for husky treats include fruits (apples, blueberries, bananas) and vegetables (carrots, green beans, pumpkin), and commercial dog treats.

While you are munching on this sweet treat, your husky, with its adorable blue eyes looking at you, seems wanting to have a taste of it as well. But you ask, “Can my husky eat plums?”

We got you!

In this informative article, we’ll explore whether huskies can enjoy plums as a treat and delve into the potential risks associated with these juicy fruits. We’ll also recommend safe, wholesome treat alternatives that will keep your husky happy and healthy.

So, let’s dive right in!

Can Huskies Eat Plums?

A bowl of plums

Technically, huskies can eat plums, but it is not advisable.

Plum is high in sugar content, which can contribute to weight gain and potential digestive upset in dogs. There are other risks associated with it, which we will discuss here.

Risks of Plums for Huskies

As a loving husky parent, understanding the potential risks associated with plums is crucial for your dog’s well-being. Let’s delve into the hazards of plums for huskies and why it’s essential to err on the side of caution.

The Perilous Pit

Choking Hazard: Plum pits can be a choking hazard, especially for smaller dogs, and may obstruct the airway or cause internal damage.

Tooth Trauma: Chewing on hard plum pits can result in fractured teeth, necessitating veterinary intervention.

Cyanide Content: Plum pits contain a compound called amygdalin, which releases cyanide when ingested. Although it would take many pits to pose a severe threat, it’s best to avoid the risk altogether.

Flesh and Skin: A Sugary Slip-up

High Sugar Content: The sugar content in plum flesh and skin can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of obesity and diabetes in dogs.

Digestive Upset: Consuming excessive amounts of plums can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, or an upset stomach, causing discomfort for your husky.

Allergy Alert

Symptoms: Allergic reactions to plums in dogs can manifest as itching, hives, facial swelling, and difficulty breathing. If you suspect an allergy, seek veterinary assistance immediately.

Cautionary Measures: To minimize the risk of allergic reactions, introduce new foods to your dog’s diet gradually and in small quantities, monitoring for any adverse reactions.

Can My Husky Eat Prunes?

A plate full of prunes

Your husky should not eat prunes.

Prunes—the dried version of plums—are high in fiber, sugar, and may still contain pits, posing potential risks to your husky’s health. Due to the associated dangers, it’s best to avoid feeding prunes to your husky.

Can My Husky Eat Plum Jam?

It would be best if you do not feed your husky plum jam.

Plum jam is typically made by combining plums with a significant amount of sugar, which can harm your dog’s health, leading to weight gain, diabetes, and dental issues.

Safe Alternatives for Husky Treats

To keep your furry companion satisfied and healthy, consider these safe alternatives to plums and plum products:

Fruits: Nature’s Candy

Apples: Rich in fiber and vitamins A and C, apples make a crunchy and nutritious treat. Remember to remove the seeds and core before feeding.

Blueberries: Packed with antioxidants and vitamins, these bite-sized berries offer a sweet, low-calorie treat for your husky.

Bananas: High in potassium and vitamins, bananas provide a creamy and tasty treat in moderation due to their sugar content.

Vegetables: Nutrient Powerhouses

Carrots: Crunchy and low in calories, carrots are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They also promote dental health by helping to remove plaque.

Green Beans: Steamed or raw green beans make a nutritious, low-calorie treat packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Pumpkin: Cooked pumpkin is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It can also help soothe an upset stomach.

Commercial Dog Treats: Convenience with Caution

Ingredients Matter: When selecting commercial dog treats, read the ingredients list and choose treats made from high-quality, natural ingredients without added sugars or artificial preservatives.

Size and Texture: Opt for treats suitable for your husky’s size and chewing habits to ensure they’re safe and enjoyable.

Final Thoughts

Plums can be a delicious snack for humans, but you should never give them to your husky.

It contains high amounts of sugar, cyanide, and can be a choking hazard. These can cause health problems that you want to avoid. Even its dried version, prunes, can be toxic to your husky.

Always opt for safe alternatives like apples, carrots, or even commercial dog treats.

Questions & Answers (FAQ)

Here’s some common Q&A on this topic:

What should I do if my dog ate a plum?

Remain calm and monitor your dog for any signs of discomfort. Consult your veterinarian immediately if you’re concerned or notice unusual symptoms because even a small amount of plum can harm your dog.